Autore: Zeno Brusa

  • Ricercatori e docenti: agevolazioni per il trasferimento in Italia

    Ricercatori e docenti: agevolazioni per il trasferimento in Italia

    Ai sensi dell’art. 44 del DL 78/2010, i ricercatori e docenti possono beneficiare di una tassazione agevolata al verificarsi delle seguenti condizioni:

    • essere in possesso di un titolo di studio universitario o equiparato;
    • essere stati residenti all’estero per almeno 2 anni;
    • aver svolto all’estero documentata attività di ricerca o docenza per almeno 2 anni continuativi, presso centri di ricerca pubblici o privati o università;
    • acquisire la residenza fiscale nel territorio dello Stato ai sensi dell’art. 2 del TUIR;
    • svolgere l’attività di docenza e ricerca in Italia, per istituti pubblici o privati, successivamente al proprio trasferimento.

    i redditi di lavoro dipendente e di lavoro autonomo prodotti in Italia per lo svolgimento dell’attività di docenza e ricerca concorrono alla formazione del reddito complessivo nella misura del 10% (con una esenzione della base imponibile pari al 90%).

    Ciò significa che, nel caso di redditi percepiti per le attività opra menzionate in misura pari a 100.000 euro, la base imponibile imponibile è pari a 10.000 euro. Inoltre, non è presente alcun limite al reddito agevolabile, contrariamente a quanto accade per gli impatriati.

    A partire dal 2020, la durata dell’agevolazione è di 6 anni, estendibile a:

    • 8 anni qualora i ricercatori e docenti abbiano un figlio minorenne o a carico, anche in affido preadottivo o diventino proprietari di almeno un’unità immobiliare di tipo residenziale in Italia, successivamente al trasferimento in Italia della residenza fiscale o nei 12 mesi precedenti al trasferimento
    • 11 anni qualora abbiano almeno 2 figli minorenni o a carico, anche in affido preadottivo;
    • 13 anni qualora abbiano almeno 3 figli minorenni o a carico, anche in affido preadottivo.

    L’agevolazione non è cumulabile con quella degli impatriati o dei nuovi residenti e, a differenza della prima, non prevede un periodo minimo di permanenza in Italia.

  • Italian inbound workers tax regime

    Italian inbound workers tax regime

    Subjects in scope

    The italian inbound workers tax regime (“impatriati“), introduced by Article 5 of Legislative Decree 209/2023, replacing the previous regulation under Article 16 of Legislative Decree 147/2015, provides for a 50% reduction in the taxable income base for workers who transfer their tax residence to Italy under Article 2 of the TUIR, provided the following conditions are met:

    • Workers must not have been tax residents in Italy in the three tax periods preceding their transfer, which becomes:
      • Six tax periods if the worker was not previously employed in Italy for the same entity or for an entity belonging to the same group.
      • Seven tax periods if the worker, prior to their transfer abroad, was employed in Italy for the same entity or for an entity belonging to the same group.
    • The work activity must be carried out for the majority of the tax period (i.e., at least 183 or 184 days) within the Italian territory.
    • Workers must have the qualifications of high specialization or expertise.
    • Workers must commit to being tax residents in Italy for a period of at least 4 years.

    Benefits of the regime

    The benefit, capped at a maximum of €600,000, applies starting from the tax period in which the transfer of tax residence to Italy occurs and for the subsequent four tax periods, without the possibility of extension.

    The eligible income for the tax relief includes:

    • Employment income (Article 49 of the ITC);
    • Income assimilated to employment income (Article 50 of the ITC);
    • Self-employment income “arising from the practice of arts and professions” (Article 53, paragraph 1, of the ITC).

    Additional income received by the beneficiary, such as dividends or rental income, is taxed under the ordinary rules.

    Unlike the regime for new residents under Article 24-bis of the ITC, the inbound workers regime applies solely to income generated in Italy. Therefore, income sourced from abroad is taxed according to ordinary regulations.

    Compatibility with other tax schemes

    According to the Italian Revenue Agency’s guidelines (Circular No. 17 of May 23, 2017), an individual transferring to Italy cannot benefit from both the italian inbound workers tax regime and the new resident regime in the same tax period. However, it is possible to benefit from one regime for one or more tax years and the other for the remaining years, provided the objective and subjective requirements of the respective regulations are met.

  • Rientro dei cervelli: il regime degli impatriati

    Rientro dei cervelli: il regime degli impatriati

    Soggetti beneficiari

    Il regime degli impatriati (spesso impropriamente chiamato “rientro dei cervelli”), introdotto dall’ art. 5 del DLgs. 209/2023 che sostituisce la precedente norma recata dall’art. 16 del DLgs. 147/2015, prevede una riduzione del 50% della base imponibile per i redditi dei lavoratori che trasferiscono la residenza in Italia ai sensi dell’art. 2 del TUIR qualora ricorrano le seguenti condizioni:

    • i lavoratori non sono stati fiscalmente residenti in Italia nei tre periodi d’imposta precedenti il loro trasferimento, che diventano;
    • sei periodi d’imposta, se il lavoratore non è stato in precedenza impiegato in Italia in favore dello stesso soggetto oppure di un soggetto appartenente al suo stesso gruppo;
    • sette periodi d’imposta, se il lavoratore, prima del suo trasferimento all’estero, è stato impiegato in Italia in favore dello stesso soggetto oppure di un soggetto appartenente al suo stesso gruppo
    • l’attività lavorativa è prestata per la maggior parte del periodo d’imposta (quindi per almeno 183 o 184 giorni) nel territorio dello Stato;
    • i lavoratori sono in possesso dei requisiti di elevata qualificazione o specializzazione;
    • i lavoratori si impegnano a risiedere fiscalmente in Italia per un periodo di tempo di 4 anni.


    L’agevolazione, che ha un tetto massimo di 600.000 euro, si applica a partire dal periodo di imposta in cui è avvenuto il trasferimento della residenza fiscale in Italia e nei quattro periodi d’imposta successivi, senza possibilità di estenderlo.

    I redditi oggetto dell’agevolazione sono costituiti da:

    • i redditi di lavoro dipendente (art. 49 del TUIR);
    • i redditi assimilati a quelli di lavoro dipendente (art. 50 del TUIR);
    • i redditi di lavoro autonomo “derivanti dall’esercizio di arti e professioni” (art. 53 co. 1 del TUIR).

    Gli ulteriori redditi percepiti dal beneficiario, quali ad esempio dividendi o redditi da locazione, sono assoggettati a tassazione in base alle regole ordinarie.

    Il c.d. “rientro dei cervelli”, al contrario di quello dei neo residenti ex Art 24 bis del TUIR, si applica ai soli redditi prodotti in Italia, di conseguenza quelli di fonte estera sono assoggettati a tassazione secondo le norme ordinarie.

    Interazioni con altre agevolazioni

    Secondo la prassi dell’Agenzia delle Entrate (circ. 23.5.2017 n. 17), una persona che si trasferisce in Italia non può beneficiare nello stesso periodo d’imposta delle agevolazioni per gli impatriati e dei neo domiciliati. È però possibile beneficiare di una di esse per una o più annualità e dell’altra per le annualità rimanenti, nel rispetto dei presupposti oggettivi e soggettivi richiesti dalle rispettive norme.

  • Italian Flat tax : A Safe Harbor for Former UK Res Non-Doms?

    Italian Flat tax : A Safe Harbor for Former UK Res Non-Doms?

    This article provides an overview of the Italian flat tax , as an alternative to the UK res non dom.

    Abolition of UK Res Non Dom

    The UK government announced in the 2024 Spring Budget its intent to abolish the long-standing “resident non-domiciled” (res-non-dom) regime effective April 6, 2025. This regime allowed High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) and Ultra High Net Worth Individuals (UHNWI) residing but not domiciled in the UK to pay taxes on foreign income and gains only when remitted to the UK. The change includes transitioning to a global taxation framework and introducing a four-year Foreign Income and Gains (FIG) regime for new UK residents. These measures aim to generate additional revenue to reduce labour taxation but may lead to a significant outflow of wealthy taxpayers.

    The proposed tax reform mainly includes:

    Worldwide Taxation:

    All res-non-doms will automatically be considered domiciled in the UK, subjecting their global income and gains to UK tax.

    Transitional Relief (2025-2026):
    1. 50% reduction in tax on foreign income remitted to the UK.
    2. A 12% flat rate on foreign income and gains repatriated during the transitional period.
    Introduction of FIG Regime:

    A four-year tax exemption on foreign income and gains for first-time UK residents within the last 10 years.

    Offshore trust distributions to FIG residents will be exempt, provided specific conditions are met.

    Changes to Offshore Trusts:

    From April 2025, offshore trusts will be subject to transparency rules, taxing the settlor on foreign income and gains.

    Inheritance and Gift Tax (IHT):

    Offshore trusts established by res-non-doms will no longer be excluded from UK inheritance tax (IHT) on foreign assets.

    A new residence-based IHT framework will impose tax obligations for up to 10 years post-residency.

    Labour Party Position:

    Labour has proposed stricter measures, opposing transitional relief and aiming to end protections for offshore trusts.

    The Italian Flat Tax Regime

    Among the jurisdictions of greatest interest for the relocation of HNWIs and UHNWIs is undoubtedly Italy, where, starting from 2017, the so-called Res Non Dom Regime was introduced.

    Subjects in scope

    The regime applies to individuals regardless of their nationality.

    First of all, it is necessary for the interested individual to transfer his tax residence from a foreign country to Italy. Secondly, the interested taxpayer must demonstrate that, for at least 9 of the last 10 tax periods, he has been resident outside of Italy.

    Contrary to the lump-sum tax regime in Switzerland, which does not apply to Swiss citizens, the italian flat tax may also apply to Italian citizens, should they too have proof that for at least 9 of the last 10 tax periods they have been resident elsewhere and, upon application, are transferring their residence back to Italy.

    The benefits of this regime may also be extended to family members (spouse, offspring, parents, in- laws, siblings) of the applicant. The same rules on the transfer of residence to Italy that apply to the applicant, also apply in this scenario.

    Italian flat tax

    The regime allows for an annual 200.000 € substitute tax to be applied on foreign earned income, including profits and capital gains deriving from participations in off-shore companies.

    The payment of such italian flat tax covers all the foreign income derived by the relevant taxpayer and thus the latter does not have to pay any further tax in Italy on its foreign income.

    It is possible to exclude some countries from the option, thus applying the tax credit method.

    An important exception is related to the sale of non-portfolio participations related to entities resident outside the Italian territory.

    Non-portfolio participations are defined as shares and any other shareholding in the capital or assets of the investee company characterised by a percentage of voting rights exercisable in the ordinary meeting exceeding 2% or 20%, or a shareholding in the capital or assets exceeding 5% or 25%, depending on whether the securities are traded on regulated markets or other shareholdings.

    Any capital gain related to such participation, even though considered to be sourced abroad, is not covered by the substitute flat tax if the relevant sale occurs within the first five in years in which the relevant taxpayer has moved to Italy.

    Where the scheme is extended to the family members, there is the obligation to pay a substitute tax of € 25.000 for each and every member who wants to benefit from such regime.

    Income from Italian sources

    Unlike what happens in Switzerland with the lump-sum tax regime, the Italian Res Non Dom Regime does not provide for the impossibility for beneficiaries to generate income from Italian sources, which will be regularly taxed with the ordinary tax brackets (up to 43%).

    Other benefits

    The regime also grants some other specific benefits, such as:

    • it exonerates the taxpayer from reporting the assets held and to pay some specific Italian estate taxes on foreign immovable properties and financial assets (IVIE and IVAFE);
    • the Italian CFC regime does not apply with respect to the entities held abroad which fall under the scope of the regime;
    • the Italian inheritance and gifts tax is due only with respect to assets located in Italy.

    Additionally, based on the interpretation of Italian Tax Authorities:

    • the taxpayer who benefits from such regime is considered to be a resident also under tax treaty law, hence it is allowed to benefit from the Italian tax treaty network,
    • the presumption of the company’s tax residence, based on the place of effective management, would not apply solely due to the relocation of the new resident director to Italy. The Italian Tax Authorities also allow inward taxpayers the regime—either at the time of entry or during a subsequent tax period— to declare the foreign entities they intend to manage directly from Italy. They may request an opinion on the compelling “foreign nature” of the income derived from such entities and attributable to them.
    Ruling request

    Ahead of benefitting from the beneficial tax regime, the interested taxpayer can apply for a tax ruling from the Italian Tax Authorities. This way the taxpayer can have certainty on the presence of the conditions that are required in order to benefit from the regime.

    The ruling request, which shall be replied to within 120 days, can even be filed ahead of the taxpay- er moving his tax residence to Italy.


    The substitute tax on foreign income shall commence in the first or second tax period that the taxpayer has moved his tax residence to Italy and shall cease to apply after 15 years.

    The above regime is an extremely attractive alternative for HNWIs who are considering relocation or intend to exit the UK following the removal of Res Non Dom.

    Strategic Considerations for Affected Individuals – Italian flat tax as a possible Safe Harbour

    Many affluent individuals relocating to Italy are choosing the prosperous regions of Liguria (Italian Riviera) and Lombardy (Milan area, Como lake). Italy offers a relatively low tax burden, making it an attractive destination for millionaires, particularly those from high-tax jurisdictions like the UK.
    Additionally, Italy’s economy outperforms many other European nations, further enhancing its appeal.

    In this context, many UK Res-Non- Dom individuals are expected to be managers active in the finance and private equity sectors, often owning offshore entities, such as trusts, to hold their financial interests or property.
    Under the UK Res-Non-Dom system, these were covered by the remittance basis or excluded from the UK’s often very burdensome inheritance and gift tax.

    On the other side, the recent legislation enacted in Italy implemented significant changes for the private client sector, affecting the rules on the tax residence of individuals and legal entities and making essential changes to the current regulations on inheritance and gift tax (IHGT).

    Additionally, Italy’s recent legislation on the taxation of income distributions from offshore opaque trusts has clarified some long-standing uncertainties in its tax rules.
    However, challenges remain, particularly regarding the rules governing the identification of privileged tax jurisdictions and the inclusion of taxes paid by third parties or the trust itself in foreign jurisdictions. Further complexities involve distinguishing between income and capital, documentation requirements, and trustees’ discretion in categorising distributions.

    Settlers, trustees and family offices should then seek legal advice to understand the impact of the Italian flat tax rules on such entities or trust structures.

    *Articolo scritto insieme a Maurizio di Salvo

  • Credito d’imposta sui dividendi da partnership estera

    Credito d’imposta sui dividendi da partnership estera

    Con le ultime sentenze emesse dalla Corte d Cassazione (sentenze n. 2066/2021, n. 23190/2023 e n. 28801/2024) , si sta confermando la possibilità di beneficiare del credito d’imposta estero anche in caso di omessa dichiarazione dei redditi.

    E’ interessante coordinare questo tema con quello relativo alla gestione delle partecipazioni detenute da soci italiani in società di persone residenti all’estero e ivi fiscalmente “trasparenti”, generalmente denominate partnership.

    Ai sensi della norma italiana, il reddito generato dalla Partnership è tassato in Italia solo in caso di distribuzione come “dividendo”.

    Le imposte estere pagate dal socio residente in Italia sulla quota di utili a lui spettanti sono considerate come imposte pagate dalla società e saranno scomputate, ai fini della tassazione in Italia, dall’ammontare lordo distribuito al socio stesso.

    facendo un esempio:

    • il reddito della partnership estera di spettanza del socio persona fisica fiscalmente residente in Italia è pari a 1000.000 €,
    • viene tassato anche nello stato della fonte in capo al socio stesso per 150.000 €.

    Su queste basi, l’applicazione del cosiddetto “netto frontiera” vedrà la percezione del reddito, al momento dell’effettiva distribuzione del medesimo, produrre un dividendo imponibile in Italia, assoggettato ad un’aliquota del 26%, pari a 850.000 €, senza operatività alcuna del credito d’imposta ex art. 165 del TUIR.

    Si ritiene, inoltre, che possano essere detratte dall’imposta italiana le eventuali ritenute subìte all’estero all’atto della distribuzione dell’utile.

    Molto più dubbi desta, invece,  la possibilità di ridurre il prelievo in uscita in base alla disciplina convenzionale sui dividendi (art. 10 del modello OCSE), dal momento che il § 27 del Commentario all’art. 10 evidenzia che i relativi principi non sono estensibili alle distribuzioni operate dalle società di persone “trasparenti”.

    La L. 111/2023 prevede la “razionalizzazione in materia di qualificazione fiscale interna delle entità estere, prendendo in considerazione la loro qualificazione di entità fiscalmente trasparente ovvero fiscalmente opaca operata dalla pertinente legislazione dello Stato o territorio di costituzione o di residenza fiscale”. questo significa che, quando la legge troverà attuazione, le partnership estere saranno considerate fiscalmente trasparenti anche in Italia e sarà possibile scomputare il credito per le imposte pagate all’estero dal socio.

    In ragione di queta complessa normativa e dei cambiamenti che i prospettano, è consigliabile rivolgersi a consulenti specializzati nel diritto tributario internazionale.

  • Società di persone estera – Convenzioni contro le doppie imposizioni

    Società di persone estera – Convenzioni contro le doppie imposizioni

    In base alla risposta all’interpello 12.1.2022 n. 17, per i dividendi erogati da una società di capitali italiana a una società di persone estera trasparente di diritto inglese:

    • la partnership non ha titolo a fruire dei benefici del DTA Italia-Regno Unito (consistenti, nello specifico caso, nella riduzione della ritenuta in uscita), in quanto priva di soggettività passiva sua propria e, quindi, non rientrante tra le “persone residenti” contemplate dal Trattato;
    • possono, però, beneficiare della Convenzione i partner, con riferimento alla quota di reddito loro imputata, a condizione che essi siano soggetti a imposizione (liable to tax) nel proprio Stato di residenza e siano i beneficiari effettivi dei proventi.
  • Credito d’imposta per i dividendi di fonte estera

    Credito d’imposta per i dividendi di fonte estera

    Il presente contenuto è un approfondimento in merito all’articolo relativo alla percezione di dividendi di fonte estera da parte di persone fisiche non imprenditori fiscalmente residenti in Italia.

    Giurisprudenza recente

    Dopo la sentenza della Corte di Cassazione 1.9.2022 n. 25698, anche la sentenza della C.G.T. I Siena n. 68/1/24 ha stabilito che le persone fisiche residenti in Italia possono scomputare l’imposta assolta all’estero sui dividendi dall’imposta sostitutiva italiana del 26% a norma dell’art. 165 del TUIR, andando ad arricchire la giurisprudenza su questo argomento.

  • New Residents Regime and Corporate Tax Residence Shifting

    New Residents Regime and Corporate Tax Residence Shifting

    Italian flat tax regime

    The new residents regime favours the individual’s tax position by offering a flat tax of €200,000 on income generated abroad.

    Place of effective management of the company

    However, at the corporate level, it’s essential to verify whether the role of the new resident in the foreign companies could bring these companies under Italian taxation, particularly due to the requirement regarding the place of effective management (Article 73, paragraph 3 of the TUIR, as well as the so-called POEM under DTAs).

    moving to italy

    Italian flat tax regime

    The new residents regime favours the individual’s tax position by offering a flat tax of €200,000 on income generated abroad.

    Place of effective management of the company

    However, at the corporate level, it’s essential to verify whether the role of the new resident in the foreign companies could bring these companies under Italian taxation, particularly due to the requirement regarding the place of effective management (Article 73, paragraph 3 of the TUIR, as well as the so-called POEM under DTAs).

  • SCI Principality of Monaco – Tax Residency

    SCI Principality of Monaco – Tax Residency

    A situation I frequently encounter is that of partnerships incorporated abroad with partners who are tax residents in Italy.

  • Residenza Montecarlo

    A situation I frequently encounter is that of partnerships incorporated abroad with partners who are tax residents in Italy.

    Residenza Montecarlo

    A situation I frequently encounter is that of partnerships incorporated abroad with partners who are tax residents in Italy.

    Residenza Montecarlo

    A situation I frequently encounter is that of partnerships incorporated abroad with partners who are tax residents in Italy.
